I had my second visit today at 18 weeks. I've been sick this past week but this visit really gave me something to look forward to. The visit started out with a urine sample and 3 swabs. They drew some blood and then did the ultrasound. They had me strip waist down and under a sheet. They checked the heartbeat and it was strong at 165 bpm. They looked at the placenta (mine is in the front) and listened to the blood flow to the uterus. It took a little prodding but we were able to see the sex of our little one. We are having a girl!!! So excited! She's a stubborn one just like her mommy :) or grandpa Danny. We could say he's pretty stubborn too ;) they also did a vaginal ultrasound to check the cervix length. Everything looked good.
We let the kids watch the ultrasound video this evening so they could see if they could determine the sex. The girls squealed and we got a "Nooooo" from Parker. He said he'd still love her though. We are excited for our new addition!