It's been a busy few weeks but I figured I'd catch up on the last visit for the NuMom2B study. On November 29th I went to my third and final NuMom visit. They took me back from the waiting room, checked my weight and vitals, and had me begin the swabs. It was the same as the first two visits as far as lab work goes. 3 swabs, and a blood draw. After the labwork the nurse completed a brief survey with me and had me fill out a little paperwork of my own. I was very excited for this visit. I was told the ultrasound would be a 3D ultrasound.
Soon the ultrasound tech came in and began looking over our baby girl. It was fun to see her a little bigger. The last time I had an ultrasound was between week 18 & 19. Everything looked great except for her right lung. It was showing up brighter on the ultrasound. The tech had me get up and move around so the baby would move, she checked again... still bright. She said it was a concern but couldn't give me a lot of information at the time. I would have to come back the next day to see a doctor in Maternal Fetal Medicine. They gave me a disc with the ultrasound and pictures. The 3D images were great. It was so fun to see our little bub that way. They also gave me a container that I would need to take to the hospital when I deliver. The container and it's contents are for collection of the placenta and cord blood for the study.
I'm grateful I participated in the study. I would never have found out what I know now about our little girl. Now we (hubs and I) as well as my doctors can be prepared for any possible complications that may arise during delivery. Hopefully, What they have found during this study can help them to learn more about the condition and aid in prevention in the future. I'll follow up with another post :)
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